Personal Resilience & Mindful High Performance | 24-Oct 2019

We're running two open courses on 24-Oct 2019 at WeWork, Victoria (London SW1W 9SH).

09:30 - 13:00: Building Personal Resilience
14:00 - 17:00: Mindful High Performance

Places are available at the special discount price of £65 (+VAT) per person per course. (Open courses are normally £250 per person).

Overview: These are interactive sessions with a mixture of theory and practical exercises. On the Personal Resilience course you'll take away practical skills to help you manage periods of high pressure, rapid change and uncertainty ... so you can thrive, even when the going gets tough. On the Mindful High Performance course we'll demonstrate tips and techniques to help you focus on the right goals and work efficiently and mindfully; that's being mindful about what you work on and being in a mindful state whilst you work.

Resources: Each course comes with a detailed 30-page workbook and access to online learning resources. Attendees of the Personal Resilience course also receive an activity card pack (worth £25) and a free link to the Resilience Quotient Inventory (RQi), a psychometric profile which provides personalised feedback (worth £85 +VAT). The Mindful High Performance course combines mindfulness principles with the latest task management techniques. This course was designed in collaboration with Imperial College London.

Venue: The courses take place at WeWork, 123 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SH (room 2E).
Teas/coffees are available on arrival. Whilst lunch will not be served, they are several places to buy food on campus. 

Terms and conditionsA maximum of two places are available per organisation. Payment in full is required by 10-Oct 2019 in order to secure a place. The attendance fee will only be refunded if notification of cancellation is received by 10-Oct. 

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